My contribution to botany is limited to my work on the identification of Callitriche species in Great Britain using isozymes (Demars & Gornall 2003). I have also deposited around 400 herbarium specimens at the University of Leicester, mostly from my field surveys in Norfolk.

I have designed and carried out several aquatic plant surveys to test specific ecological hypotheses, notably in great Britain: the hydrographic network of the River Welland (1996), rivers in Norfolk (1999-2001) and all aquatic habitats in the River Spey catchment (2002-2003). From the latter survey, I have also studied the stoichiometry C:N:P of aquatic plants in relation to external nutrient concentrations (water and sediment), habitats and taxonomic groups (Demars & Edwards 2007, 2008).

I have also just completed a new synthesis of species life history traits and compiled a phylogenetic tree down to species level for 164 species. This will be published alongside my work on the biogeography of aquatic plants in Britain.

Pool in Insh Marshes, River Spey, Scotland