Peer reviewed papers
Demars B.O.L., Schneider S.C., Thiemer K., Dörsch P., Pulg U., Stranzl S.F., Velle G. & Pathak D. (2024) Light and temperature controls of aquatic plant photosynthesis downstream of a hydropower plant and the effect of plant removal. Science of the Total Environment, 912, 169201. [pdf, http]
Demars B.O.L. & Dörsch P. (2023) Estimation of ecosystem respiration and photosynthesis in supersaturated stream water downstream of a hydropower plant. Water Research, 247, 120842. [pdf, SI, http]
Pathak D. & Demars B.O.L. (2023) Metabolism modelling in rivers with unsteady flow conditions and transient storage zones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128, e2022JG007245. [pdf, SI, http]
Mjelde M., Thrane J.-E., Demars B.O.L. (2023) High aquatic macrophyte diversity in Norwegian lakes north of the arctic circle. Freshwater Biology, 68, 509–522. [pdf, SI, http]
Eriksen, T. E., Jacobsen D., Demars B.O.L. , Brittain J.E., Søli G., and Friberg N. (2022) Effects of pollution-induced changes in oxygen conditions scaling up from individuals to ecosystems in a tropical river network. Science of the Total Environment, 814, 151958. [pdf, http]
Thiemer K., Schneider S.C. & Demars B.O.L. (2021) Mechanical removal of macrophytes in freshwater ecosystems: implications for ecosystem structure and function. Science of the Total Environment, 782, 146671 [pdf, SI, http]
Demars B.O.L., Kemp J.L., Marteau B., Friberg N. & Thornton B. (2021) Stream macroinvertebrates and carbon cycling in tangled food webs. Ecosystems, 24, 1944–1961 [pdf, SI, http]
Moe T.F., Hessen D.O. & Demars B.O.L. (2021) Juncus bulbosus tissue nutrient concentrations and stoichiometry in oligotrophic ecosystems: variability with seasons, growth forms, organs and habitats. Plants, 10, 441 [pdf, http]
Clokie M.R.J., Blasdel B., Demars B.O.L. & Sicheritz-Pontén T. (2020) Rethinking phage ecology by rooting it within an established plant framework. Phage, 1, 121-136. [pdf, http]
Demars B.O.L., Friberg N. & Thornton B. (2020) Pulse of dissolved organic matter alters reciprocal carbon subsidies between autotrophs and bacteria in stream food webs. Ecological Monographs, 90, e01399 [pdf, SI, http]
Anglès d’Auriac M.B., Strand D.A., Mjelde M., Demars B.O.L. & Thaulow J. (2019) Detection of an invasive aquatic plant in natural water bodies using environmental DNA. PLOS One, 14, e0219700. [pdf, http]
Moe T.F., Hessen D.O. & Demars B.O.L. (2019) Functional biogeography: stoichiometry and thresholds for interpreting nutrient limitation in aquatic plants. Science of the Total Environment, 677, 447-455. [pdf, http]
Demars B.O.L. (2019) Hydrological pulses and burning of dissolved organic carbon by stream respiration. Limnology & Oceanography, 64, 406–421. [pdf, http]
Demars B.O.L., Gíslason G.M., Ólafsson J.S., Manson J.R., Friberg N., Hood J.M., Thompson J.J.D., Freitag T.E. (2016) Impact of warming on CO2 emissions from streams countered by aquatic photosynthesis. Nature Geoscience, 9, 758-761. [pdf, SI, http]
O’Gorman E.J., Ólafsson Ó.P., Demars B.O.L., Friberg N., Guðbergsson G., Hannesdóttir E.R., Jackson M.C., Johansson L.S., McLaughlin Ó.B., Ólafsson J.S., Woodward G., Gíslason G.M. (2016) Temperature effects on fish production across a natural thermal gradient. Global Change Biology, 22, 3206-3220. [pdf, http]
Demars B.O.L., Thompson J., Manson J.R. (2015) Stream metabolism and the open diel oxygen method: principles, practice and perspectives. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods, 13, 356-374. [pdf, http, erratum]
Kosten S., Demars B.O.L., Moss B. (2014) Distinguishing autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration based on diel oxygen change curves: revisiting Dr. Faustus. Freshwater Biology, 59, 649-651. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L., Wiegleb G., Harper D.M., Bröring U., Brux H., Herr W. (2014) Aquatic plant dynamics in lowland river networks: connectivity, management and climate change. Water, 6, 868-911. [pdf, http]
Demars B.O.L. & Manson J.R. (2013) Temperature dependence of stream aeration coefficients and the effect of water turbulence: a critical review. Water Research, 47, 1-15. [pdf, SI]
Demars B.O.L. (2013) Uncertainties in biotic indicators and a corrigendum to Ponader et al. (2007): implications for biomonitoring. Ecological Indicators, 27, 44-47. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L., Potts J.M., Trémolières M., Thiébaut G, Gougelin N., Nordmann V. (2012) Aquatic macrophyte indices: not the Holy Grail! Freshwater Biology, 57: 1745–1759. [pdf]
Perkins D.M., Yvon-Durocher G., Demars B.O.L., Reiss J., Pichler D.E., Friberg N., Trimmer M. & Woodward G. (2012) Consistent temperature dependence of respiration across ecosystems contrasting in thermal history. Global Change Biology, 18, 1300–1311. [pdf]
O’Gorman E.J., Pichler D.E., Adams G., Benstead J.P., Cohen H., Craig N., Cross W.F., Demars B.O.L., Friberg N., Gíslason G.M., Gudmundsdóttir R., Hawczak A., Hood J.M., Hudson L.N., Johansson L., Johansson M., Junker J.R., Laurila A., Manson J.R., Mavromati E., Nelson S., Ólafsson J.S., Perkins D.M., Petchey O., Plebani M., Reuman D.C., Rall B.C., Stewart R., Thompson M. & Woodward G. (2012) Impacts of warming on the structure and functioning of aquatic communities: individual- to ecosystem-level responses. Advances in Ecological Research, 47, 81-176. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L., Kemp J.L., Friberg N., Usseglio-Polatera P. & Harper D.M. (2012) Linking biotopes to invertebrates in rivers: biological traits, taxonomic composition and diversity. Ecological Indicators, 23, 301–311. [pdf, SI]
Bergfur J., Demars B.O.L., Stutter M.I., Langan S.J. & Friberg N. (2012) The Tarland catchment initiative and its effect on stream water quality and macroinvertebrate indices. Journal of Environmental Quality, 41, 314–321. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L., Manson J.R., Ólafsson J.S., Gíslason G.M. & Friberg N. (2011) Stream hydraulics and temperature determine the metabolism of geothermal Icelandic streams. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 402, 05. [pdf, http]
Demars B.O.L., Manson J.R., Ólafsson J.S., Gíslason G.M., Gudmundsdóttir R., Woodward G., Reiss J., Pichler D.E., Rasmussen J.J., Friberg N. (2011) Temperature and the metabolic balance of streams. Freshwater Biology, 56, 1106-1121. [pdf]
Stutter M.I., Demars B.O.L. & Langan S.J. (2010) River phosphorus cycling: separating biotic and abiotic uptake during short-term changes in sewage effluent loading. Water Research, 44, 4425-4436. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Trémolières M. (2009) Aquatic macrophytes as bioindicators of carbon dioxide in groundwater fed rivers. Science of the Total Environment, 407, 4752-4763. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Edwards A.C. (2009) Distribution of aquatic macrophytes in contrasting river systems: a critique of compositional-based assessment of water quality. Science of the Total Environment, 407, 975-990. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Edwards A.C. (2008) Tissue nutrient concentrations in aquatic macrophytes: comparison across biophysical zones, surface water habitats and plant life forms. Chemistry & Ecology, 24: 413-422. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. (2008) Whole-stream phosphorus cycling: testing methods to assess the effect of saturation of sorption capacity on nutrient uptake length measurements. Water Research, 42, 2507-2516. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Thiébaut G. (2008) Distribution of aquatic macrophytes in the Northern Vosges rivers: implications for biomonitoring and conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 18, 619-632. [pdf]
Stutter M.I., Langan S.J. & Demars B.O.L. (2007) River sediments provide a link between catchment pressures and ecological status in a mixed land use Scottish river system. Water Research, 41, 2803-2815. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Edwards A.C. (2007) Tissue nutrient content in freshwater aquatic macrophytes: high inter-taxa differences and low phenotypic response to nutrient supply Freshwater Biology, 52, 2073-2086. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Edwards A.C. (2007) A seasonal survey of surface water habitats within the River Spey basin, Scotland: major nutrient properties. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 17, 565-583. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Harper D.M. (2005) Water column and sediment phosphorus in a calcareous lowland river and their differential response to point source control measures. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 167, 273-293. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L., Harper D.M., Pitt J. & Slaughter R. (2005) Impact of phosphorus control measures on in-river phosphorus retention associated with point source pollution. Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, 9, 43-55. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Harper D.M. (2005) Distribution of aquatic vascular plants in lowland rivers: separating the effects of local environmental conditions, longitudinal connectivity and river basin isolation. Freshwater Biology, 50, 418-437. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Gornall R.J. (2003) Identification of British Callitriche L. species by means of isozymes. Watsonia, 24, 389-399. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Harper D.M (2002) Phosphorus in a lowland calcareous river basin: a multiscale approach to understanding human impacts. International Journal of Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 2, 149-164. [pdf]
Willby N.J., Abernethy V.J. & Demars B.O.L. (2000) An attribute-based classification of European hydrophytes and its relationship to habitat utilisation. Freshwater Biology, 43, 43-74. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Harper D.M. (1998) The aquatic macrophytes of an English lowland river system: assessing response to nutrient enrichment. Hydrobiologia, 384, 75-88. [pdf]
Book chapters
Manson J.R., Wallis S.G., Demars, B.O.L., Mick J.D., Gíslason G.M., Ólafsson J.S., Friberg N. (2016) A comparison of three solute transport models using mountain stream tracer experiments. In: Hydrodynamic and Mass Transport at Freshwater Aquatic Interfaces; GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences; Rowiński P.M., Marion A. (eds), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 77-90. [pdf]
Gray C., Bista I., Creer S., Demars B.O.L., Falciani F., Monteith D.T., Sun X., Woodward G. (2015) Freshwater conservation and biomonitoring of structure and function: genes to ecosystems. In: Aquatic functional biodiversity: an ecological and evolutionary perspective, Belgrano A., Woodward G., Jacob U. (eds), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 241-271. [pdf]
Wallis S.G., Manson J.R., Demars B.O.L. (2014) On the re-aeration coefficient in channels of complex shape. In: 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics: River Flow 2014, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Schleiss A.J., De Cesare G., Franca M.J., Pfister M. (eds), CRC Press, London, pp 259-264. [pdf]
Wallis S.G., Osuch M., Manson J.R., Romanowicz R., Demars B.O.L. (2013) On the estimation of solute transport parameters for rivers. Paper presented at 32nd International School of Hydraulics, Lochow, Poland, May 2012. Experimental and Computational Solutions of Hydraulic Problems, Rowinski P.M. (ed), Springer, pp 415-425. [pdf]
Manson J.R., Demars B.O.L. & Wallis S.G. (2011) Integrated experimental and computational hydraulic science in a unique natural laboratory. In: Rowinski P. (ed.), Experimental methods in hydraulic research. Springer book series, Geoplanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol. 1, pp 123-131. [pdf]
Zalewski, M., Harper D.M., Demars B.O.L., Jolánkai G., Crosa G., Janauer G.A. & Pacini N. (2008) Linking biological and physical processes at the river basin scale: the origins, scientific background and scope of ecohydrology. In: Harper D.M., Zalewski M. & Pacini N. (Eds) Ecohydrology: processes, models and case studies. CAB International, Wallingford, pp 1-17. [pdf]
Conference papers and editorials
Berezina N.A., Golubkov S.M., Demars B.O.L. & Razinkovas A. (2012) Editorial – “Modern Problems of Aquatic Ecology”, 4th International Scientific Conference to commemorate Professor G.G. Winberg, 11–15 October 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 402, 01. [pdf]
Manson J.R., Demars B.O.L., Wallis S.G. & Mytnik V. (2010) A combined computational and experimental approach to quantifying habitat complexity in Scottish upland streams. In: Proceedings of Hydropredict' 2010, International Interdisciplinary Conference on Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology and Water Resource Management, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-23 September 2010. Paper No.191. [pdf, http]
Reports and consultations
Thrane J.E., Lindholm M., Mjelde M., Demars B.O.L. , Håll J.P. & Thaulow J. (2019) Effekter av drikkevannsregulering på økologisk tilstand i Helgeren [Effects of water level regulations on the ecological status of Lake Helgeren, a drinking water reservoir]. Norsk Institutt for vannforschning (NIVA), Report no 7392, Norway, Oslo. [http]
Demars B.O.L., Anglès d'Auriac M., Thaulow J., Roar B. & Mjelde M. (2018) Kartlegging av vasspest i Vannområde Leira-Nitelva 2018 [Mapping of Elodea in the Leira-Nitelva catchment area 2018]. Norsk Institutt for vannforschning (NIVA), Report no 7303, Norway, Oslo. [pdf]
Moe T.M. & Demars B.O.L. (2017) Årsrapport krypsivovervåking 2017 [Annual report of Juncus bulbosus monitoring]. Norsk institutt for vannforskning (NIVA), Report no 7202, Norway Oslo. [pdf]
Demars, B.O.L. (2013) Comments on "UK TAG (Oct 2012). A revised approach to setting Water Framework Directive phosphorus standards". Review of an Open Consultation by UK TAG (Technical Advisory Group) for the Water Framework Directive. [pdf, http]
Demars, B.O.L & Britton, A.J. (2011) Assessing the impacts of small scale hydroelectric schemes on rare bryophytes and lichens. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report, No 421, Scottish Natural Heritage, Inverness. [pdf]
Demars B.O.L. & Harper D.M. (2002) Assessment of the impact of nutrient removal on eutrophic rivers. Environment Agency R&D Technical Report P2-127. Environment Agency, Bristol. [pdf]
Haury J., Peltre M.-C., Muller S., Thiébaut G., Trémolières M., Demars, B.O.L., Barbe, J., Dutartre, A., Daniel, H., Bernez I., Guerlesquin M. & Lambert E. (2001). Les macrophytes aquatiques bioindicateurs des systèmes lotiques - Intérêts et limites des indices macrophytiques. Synthèse bibliographique des principales approches européennes pour le diagnostic biologique des cours d'eau. Rep. No. 87. Ministère de l'Ecologie et du Développement Durable, Paris. [pdf, http]